From Xela (Queztaltenango) we headed east towards Lake Atitlan, surrounded on all sides by volcanoes, not so easily accessible, but once down at the waterfront you can abandon the car and reach all the villages dotted around the lake by Lancha (boat).
We found a beautiful camping in San Marcos La Laguna, Pasaj Cap, opposite Volcan Toiliman and Volcan Atitlan. Beautiful views and from its own jetty we could hail the lanchas as they sped past, depending the direction you wanted to go.
Our first day out was a trip to Panajachel, quite touristy, so we decided to take the Q3 (30p) Chicken bus, white knuckle ride up the hill to Solola (So-low-lah). It was market day and, still being in the Highlands, everyone was beautifully dressed in their local Mayan clothing, even the men, the first time we had really seen this.
The following day we headed to San Pedro La Laguna and San Juan La Laguna. Signwriting is very much still a beautiful art in Guatemala, not only the shops, but the houses adorned with messages and yet another busy Mayan community going about its business in spite of the tourists.
Our longest trip required a change of boats as we headed to Santiagao Atitlan. Again market day and lots of locals heading to do their "compras". We didn't find any chickens in the market, but someone was taking them home!